In 2011, I went in search of an Advent curriculum for my then 3 and 4 year olds becuase I was seeing the signs of Santa taking over. I had originally not wanted to have Santa be apart of our Christmas celebrations, but that's a different story...
I needed something that laid out the Christmas story for me in an easy to teach format with activities planned out. I was a working mother of two young children with very little time to make up my own lessons and I didn't want that to be the excuse for just not doing anything.
Now I am a busy working mom of a 6,(4 days shy of) 5 and (very nearly) 2 year old with another on the way. Life hasn't gotten less chaotic and my "free" time is non-existent. Throw in first grader homework and preschool projects and the never ending volunteer opportunites in this season and I am truly, truly thankful that I purchased this ebook when I did.
The kids are already asking when the Advent calendar will make it's way out of storage and when we can start making our Christmas projects. It doesn't matter that they have done the lessons before because every year they are at a new developmental stage. Some lessons are easier for the older ones and sometimes it's perfect for all ages, but it works for all of them every year :) I love that they love it!
Something that is also nice? There are different lesson plans. You can choose to do an activity each day of december or use the abbreviated version so that even busy, busy families can learn the story in it's entirety but not have to do a craft every day of the week.
We will most likely be using the abbriviated lesson plans and work on the weekends becuase getting through dinner, homeowork and bed time routines takes every second of our time after I get home from work. And that is the beauty of it.
If you are intersted in finding an easy to use but highly effective tool in teaching your children about the true meaning of Christmas, I highly recommend Truth in the Tinsel, which also happens to be availalbe as a classroom curriculum!

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